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Why do vegans not wear wool?

As you certainly will not have missed: we are a vegan brand. The core belief of veganism is that all animals have the right to live free from exploitation and harm, and that humans have a moral obligation to respect and protect the well-being of animals: They are not here for us, but with us. Veganism is therefore not just a dietary choice, but a broader ethical and environmental stance that seeks to create a more compassionate and sustainable world.

When animals are used for their economic value (this includes wool, leather, meat, fur and entertainment), their well-being is often compromised for the sake of human gain. This can lead to physical and psychological suffering. This is also why many vegans choose not to wear wool. Wool is derived from the hair of sheep or other animals, and in many cases, they are subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment during the shearing process.

In commercial wool production, sheep are often bred to produce large amounts of wool, which can lead to health problems and discomfort for the animals. Sheep may also be subjected to harsh shearing techniques that can cause injuries, such as cuts and bruises. Additionally, some sheep are raised in cramped and unsanitary conditions, which can contribute to the spread of disease and other health problems.

For these reasons, many vegans choose to avoid wool products and instead opt for alternative materials that are not derived from animals, such as cotton, hemp, netlle, jute or synthetic fabrics. 

Ultimately, the decision to wear wool or is a personal one, and depends on an individual's beliefs and values regarding animal welfare and sustainability. Veganism does not have strict rules, since it is always based on aiming for the most compassionate lifestyle possible. This may be different based on your economic status, health, location etc.

- Team LaLu

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